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  • Cooling attachment for LEEC incubators

  • Suitable for LEEC C02 incubators

  • Suitable for precision incubators

  • Suitable for LEEC salt solution humidity cabinets

  • A stand-alone, retro fit cooling solution

LEEC C3 (1/4 h.p) and C4 (1/3 h.p) Self Contained Recirculating Cooler units have been designed specifically for use with LEEC incubators but they can also be used as an indirect cooling source where any closed circuit e.g. a sealed tank or coil is available. Please note, these units can always be added at a later date to any LEEC incubator that is fitted with a cooling coil to convert it into a cooled incubator, regardless of age:

LEEC CO2 incubators: GA2000 / GA2010 / GA3000 / GA3010 

Discontinued LEEC CO2 incubators: GA150 / GA155 / GA156 / GA2 / GA2N / GA2SN.

LEEC Precision Incubators: P2 / PFC2 / P3 / P33.

LEEC Salts Type Humidity Cabinets: SFC2 / SFC3

The indirect system of cooling incubators is the most accurate method available because the coolant that is pumped around the incubator cooling coil is only slightly colder than the required chamber temperature. This small difference in temperature means that the chamber temperature control is extremely sensitive, and that condensation and ice problems are minimised.

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