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EasyPRO surgical accessories constitute a new-generation line of positioners and accessories, compatible with one multi-position 360° adapter. Contrary to classic mounting stands, the line is based on one universal stand, compatible with many tips – accessories which can be replaced at every stage of the surgery and whose position can be easily changed or adjusted. As a result, the surgical team saves time. And time is money.

Difficulties in accessing and visibility of the surgical field, a need to control surgical instruments and maintain a static posture for a long time are among the greatest intraoperative challenges. We offer a new-generation surgical accessories which will facilitate the conduct of most operations.

EasyPRO Surgical Accessories

EasyPRO is primarily:

  • The first click-in system in the market compatible with various surgical field accessories

  • Better access to the operating field thanks to 360° positioning

  • Easy assembly, easy exchange of tips thanks to the click-in system

  • Unobstructed access to the operating field (a smaller number of stands, protruding elements)

  • Smooth positioning, flexibility

  • Lightweight construction, soft, padded upholstery

  • Autoclavable surgical accessories

Modular line – the set of accessories may be expanded gradually. As a result, EasyPRO is a cost-effective solution. The system provides better access, safe patient positioning, shorter surgery time.

EasyPRO also accords with the bedsore prevention programme as it offers soft, padded positioners and attachments. Increases patient comfort. Better visibility.

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